A Father’s Love Personal Development and Community Services program inside of NYC Public Schools
“That A Father’s Love hoodie is drippy. Can you put one in my court bag so when I go to court the judge can see that I’m in your program?” Zair, 17
“A Father’s Love gives good advice about life. It is helpful to me and I look forward to you all coming to the facility so I can get more knowledge about life.” Samantha, 15
“Moe is one of the realest men I’ve ever met. He is genuine about the love that he has for us. I look forward to talking to him about real life situations.” Kevin, 17
“A Father’s Love really teaches me a lot of things about how to be a better person and a better man. This is the only program that I look forward to coming to the facility because Moe is real about this work.” Fabian, 17
“Moe is a good dude, he told me stuff about life that I’ve never heard before. He makes me really think about how I move and how I need to do things differently in life as I become a man.” Jamel, 17
“I like A Father’s Love because this program makes me feel strong about how I will approach my future. A Father’s Love cares about me and they want me to become a productive citizen in society.” Kanasia, 16
“I only met him a few times and so far I liked what I experienced.” Marquis, 17
“A Father’s Love is not a program to get rid of. Moe gives us knowledge about how to be a man, a father, and everything that we need to know about how to change our perspectives. He teaches us about what to expect and what not to expect. Moe gives us brain teasers, teaches us how to be appropriate in the lives of females and relationships. Since working with him, I have changed my perspective about life by his talks and his recommended readings about respect and peers. Moe even knows how to chill with us because he plays cards with us. One of my favorite card games is Casino and Moe is good.” Tajay, 17
“A Father’s Love is helping me improve my self-esteem”. Marshe, 16
“I don’t really like programs while I’m in here. I couldn’t care less if they took away any of the programs because I don’t care about any of them, but if there is a program to keep, A Father’s Love would be the one to keep.” Rayquann, 17
“Moe is cool and he says good things that I listen to, but I also feel that he listens too.” Roberto, 17
“A Father’s Love is one of the best programs, in my opinion. I like how Moe is able to relate to me. I like that he is able to also talk about some of his difficulties and uses those to help us through our difficulties. That helps me know that I can turn my difficulties in my life around. He really cares and a lot of people nowadays do not care. Also, I ain’t gonna lie, Moe is nice in Casino. I just started playing so I’m not so good yet, but he is nice!” Brighton, 17