Our programming is contingent upon the donations of friends like you who help us support those that are vulnerable throughout the Tri-State Area. We aid young people, underserved families, participants who are or have been justice impacted, and so many more. Participants have come to expect and depend on our services, resulting in our stelar reputation for rendering support to people in need. Please give generously today so that this critically important work can continue!
The A Father’s Love Personal Development & Community Services (AFLPDCS) mission and curriculum features an evidence-based person-centered approach to development that we continually evaluate for quality assurance. Our educational components include but are not limited to literacy, mental health, equivalency PREP, manhood training, single mother support, court/school advocacy, social skill development, and community service. We also sponsor annual back to school, turkey, and Christmas toy and coat drives. It is our belief that when we contribute to the betterment of the lives of young people and their families, we are investing in hope for the future.
Maurice with young men discussing table manners and etiquette
College Graduation
NYC Public School
NYC Public School
Annual Christmas Toy & Coat Drive
Back-To-School Book Bag Giveaway